The Corner

Re: Muzzled science

So Dr Hansen believes that 1,400 interviews is too few for him to avail the taxpayer of his experience and that he shouldn’t have to agree with the “company line,” eh?  Well, Dr. Hansen has serious problems with people who don’t follow his company line availing the taxpayer of their experience:

“I would get out of my sickbed to testify to Congress on global warming, if they were ready to deal responsibly with the matter,” Hansen wrote. “But obviously they are still in denial, inviting contrarians to ‘balance’ the science of global warming.”

Hansen apparently was objecting to the House panel’s late addition of John Christy, a professor and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. In his testimony yesterday, Christy told lawmakers that scientists “cannot reliably project the trajectory of the climate” for large regions of the United States.

Christy also said it would be a “far more difficult task” to predict the effects should the United States adopt a mandatory greenhouse gas policy.

Hansen’s e-mail said skeptical points of view cloud the climate debate rather than enlighten it. “The function of the contrarians is to obfuscate what is known, so as to keep the public confused and allow special interests to continue to reap short-term profits, to the detriment of the long-term economic well-being of the nation,” he said.

One law for me, another for thee.  Now where else have we heard that in the global warming debate recently, hmm?

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