The Corner

Re: National Insecurity

Neil Munro of National Journal sends

along a story he just wrote for the magazine (alas, the piece is not

available online) which is largely about the ACLU’s lack of interest in

pursuing some civil liberties cases when they conflict with the

organization’s devotion to diversity. Here’s the part from the National

Journal story that echoes what Cmdr. Flynn said earlier today:

ACLU officials also argue that extending police powers, even during a war

on terrorism, is a grave threat. “I reject the idea that we need to make

concessions,” (ACLU director Tony) Romero said. “It’s a Faustian bargain.”

Still, recognizing that a public backlash against the ACLU’s efforts to

protect civil liberties could follow any terrorist strike on U.S. soil, the

ACLU is upping its national education campaign, he said.

US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson’s 1949 observation — “The

Constitution is not a suicide pact” — comes to mind. Flynn is right: if

another 9/11 or worse happens, people who parrot the dangerous nonsense

coming from the ACLU will be widely ignored. And that’s too bad, because if

they would just admit now that the situation we’re in justifies some

limitations on civil liberties, they’d buy themselves a lot of credibility

in the event of a panic-inducing catastrophe.

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