The Corner

RE: Obama’s Moving Tax Threshold

A while back Jim noticed that even those outside the Obama campaign seemed to be moving the goal posts:

Paul Krugman, in today’s New York Times column:

What about the claim, based on Joe the Plumber’s complaint, that ordinary working Americans would face higher taxes under Mr. Obama? Well, Mr. Obama proposes raising rates on only the top two income tax brackets — and the second-highest bracket for a head of household starts at an income, after deductions, of $182,400 a year.

Wait, we’ve been hearing endlessly that Obama will never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000!

UPDATE: To be fair to Obama, I breezed right on by the “after deductions” part of Krugman’s sentence here. My error, however, doesn’t explain what’s going on with Obama’s latest ad citing the $200K figure.

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