The Corner

Re Palin Advice

My two cents: She should stop being defensive and go on offense. She should answer questions by going on the attack. She should note that Obama and Biden say they want change. She should say that one thing she’s learned as a governor and a mayor is that all change is not beneficial change. A company goes bankrupt: that’s change. You lose your job or your house: that’s change, too. America loses a war to al-Qaeda and Iran. Well, that also would be a change, now wouldn’t it?

What’s better than change? Reform. “And reform is what John McCain has devoted much of his life to – sometimes to the distress of his own party. And, reform is what I’ve worked on – with measurable success – in Alaska since I’ve been governor.”

“To tackle problems in Alaska – including corruption and incompetence – I’ve had to be a fast learner. I’ve had to stand up to big boys and bullies. I’ve had to figure out what went wrong – and listen to a lot of people about how best to set it right, then choose what I believed to be the best course of action. These are called ‘executive skills.’ With all due respect, I think there are too few people in Washington who know have such right now. Were it otherwise, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re now in, would we?”

Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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