The Corner

Re: The Partisan President

Dana, you have an excellent point on the pure partisanship of the president (how’s that for alliteration!). But even worse than the president’s hypocrisy is his cynicism. 

According to Obama, Democrats who voted against the cap-and-trade bill did so out of pure political self interest, which Obama applauds. Republicans, on the other hand, insisted on voting against the bill because of excessive and long-standing principle. His “scorn” for their judgment that Democrats may pay a political price at the polling booth is nonsensical, since he himself says that Dems who voted against were “sensitive to the immediate political climate of uncertainty around this issue . . . They’ve got to run every two years, and I completely understand that.” 

In other words, he agrees with those knuckle-dragging Republicans that this bill is a political stinker!

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