The Corner

Re: Peter King’s Take

In an NRO interview last week, Rep. Peter King (R., N.Y.), the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, urged Rudy Giuliani to run for president:

“Giuliani is the only one capable,” King says. “He is the one who has the credibility. Rudy, on terrorism, is the full deal. He would be strong on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. He would also be strong on Guantanamo,” and on threats in “downtown New York and Minneapolis.”

Earlier today, Giuliani told NBC that he is considering a bid:

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the leader of the city during the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks said last week’s killing of Osama bin Laden wouldn’t make a difference on his decision whether or not to pursue a second White House bid.

“I separate the two things,” he said.

When asked whether he was still considering a run for the presidency, Mr. Giuliani said “yes,” with the caveat that he’s not doing so “right this minute.”

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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