The Corner

Re: Pop Poli Sci

A reader who is teaching in China: “One of the things I find particularly

distressing is how the careless and hateful rhetoric of Democrats and the

media have been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the Chinese, who receive

it via (God help us!) the BBC. Bush evil. Bush stupid. That’s what my

students believe; the dismissive tone of their voices, when they mention

President Bush’s name, speaks more than any words can. Democrats and the

media are so insular, that they do not begin to conceive of the impact of

their propaganda and how that shapes the way the rest of the world views us.

What has poisoned the perception of the U.S. abroad is not the actions of

GWB, but that of the Democrats and the media who noised abroad their disdain

and lack of support for Dubya, all for political gain. Had the Democrats and

media done what was right, the U.S. would be in different odor around the


John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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