The Corner

re: pro-joe or no-joe?

Some e-mails:

As a resident of the red corner (what is it they say about better Red than Dead? – oh, wait, that’s not what they say) in this very blue state, I have to say my feelings on Lieberman are mixed. I appreciate his support of W and his stance on the war on terror, but other than that, I can’t really get behind him – his views on social security reform, abortion, healthcare, economy – are contrary to what I can get behind. If the election were all about Iraq/War on Terror, sure, might consider it. But, right now, with no viable Republican candidate standing up, I have to go with the lesser of two, well…you know what I mean.


As a former Democrat,now Independent, who left the party over its love affair with abortion, and the increasing influence of the racist, sexist nutroots, I am of two minds in regards to Lamont v. Lieberman.Part of me would like to see Lieberman win, just to witness the full on, head exploding, nuclear meltdown of Hamsher, Kos and Co. You know the charges of conspiracy and voter fraud would be flying fast and furious.On the other hand, my hope would be that if Lamont wins, the Republican challenger would go after his affiliations with the bloggers, in a way that Lieberman cannot. I still have a sentimental attachment to my former party, and I am outraged at the cancer that the far left has become.


I’m with….Jay Nordlinger in 2000 on Joe Lieberman:

“What we are left with is Lieberman the orthodox Democrat, the plain old Democrat, no big deal in the age of Clinton-Gore (or should we say Clinton-Gore-Lieberman?). But there is still that awful veneer: the unctuousness, the moralizing, the posturing, the lectures, the sniveling, the ‘wrestling,’ the self-love. Lieberman has proven himself basically the same as, oh-just at random-the other Connecticut senator, Christopher Dodd. But you know? At least Dodd spares us the crap.”

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