The Corner

Re: Rachel Maddow

Chivalry now demands that I defend the bright and engaging MSNBC host (though she is, of course, perfectly capable of defending herself–no patriarchal condescension here! honest!). The article Jonah linked to included some semi-quasi-sorta-kinda-almost-but-not-quite embarrassing revelations. The good thing about broadcast is that a radio or TV host can have some embarrassing personal information emerge, and end up even more popular, with a more lucrative contract, etc. I’m sure we could all come up with examples of this if we thought for a few minutes. It all depends on whether viewers/listeners continue to enjoy the performance.

I did, however, hear some genuinely distressing news about Maddow this weekend. Add to her existing disagreements with me–the Iraq War, etc., etc., etc.–this new one: She believes in leaving the cherry out of a Manhattan.

The woman is hard-core.

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