The Corner

Re: Senate

Steyn is right, of course, that the Senate is an unlikely source of Republican renewal. But the issue that David addresses in today’s Post piece is deciding where limited resources should go. Stopping a Democratic supermajority in the Senate is just a lot more likely than stopping Obama from being elected president. That being the case, I don’t see any way to argue against David’s advice that “Every available dollar that can be shifted to a senatorial campaign must be shifted to a senatorial campaign,” and for vulnerable Senate candidates to present themselves as a needed counterweight to an Obama White House.

And it’s not just vulnerable senators that need to start thinking about their own futures. One prominent candidate has already begun to “go rogue” and disregard the McCain campaign’s advice and direction, in order to preserve future political viability — Gov. Palin! (Too bad she didn’t decide to do that on immigration.)

Sen. McCain has spent his whole career looking out for his own interests at the expense of the Republican party and conservatism. Given the circumstances, it’s imperative they return the favor, not out of pique or spite, but simply self-preservation.

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