The Corner

Re: Starving The Beast

A reader writes: “School boards must die. From small towns to big cities

they don’t work. They always get co-opted by either unions, ideologues,

crooks, or all of the preceding. Turn out for school board elections is

always low. To many of them are not voted on at-large but by sub districts.

It is too easy for them to dodge responsibility. They will blame the

superintendent that they hired. They will blame the voters, in desperation

for power they might blame one another but is never the board as a wholes

fault. A school Czar needs to replace the school board. A known name can

be held responsible. Go out on the street, grab ten individuals and ask

them to name one individual on the local school board. What are the odds on

any of them being able to do that?”

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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