The Corner


If Lamont wins, it would be the first victory for the netroots after more than a dozen defeats, so the celebration would be deafening.  And they would deserve some credit; certainly the bloggers injected a lot of energy into the race.  In addition, as far as news coverage is concerned, they used their (temporary) advantage of being the newest new thing.  “There’s a premium on bloggers now,” a Center for American Progress trainer told would-be blogger-pundits at the YearlyKos convention in June.  “There is a window following this conference to try to make yourselves available to the media…You are the new cool kids on the block, and you should leverage that now.”

But in terms of money, which is the thing about the blogs that originally got Democratic politicians’ attention, a Lamont victory would show that the netroots at a fever pitch of enthusiasm can help a largely self-financed candidate win.  Again, that’s not nothing.  But it’s not a revolution, either.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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