The Corner

Re: Unbearable Lightness

Derb’s correspondent maintains that “(c)omplaining about Obama’s lightness won’t resonate, because most of the American elite have the same track record.” Clearly some have, but if there’s anything that characterizes the elite (Obama version) it’s their self-awareness– and they’re acutely aware that they haven’t been through the bramble bush. Just watch them in the company of a marine.

Regardless, by definition the elite comprise a narrow stratum of the electorate. The results of the Democratic primaries in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio suggest that the issue of Obama’s lightness (and condescension) does resonate for many, perhaps enough to have a bearing on the election.

Peter Kirsanow — Peter N. Kirsanow is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
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