The Corner

Re: Vince Foster

Jonah — I didn’t intend to rekindle the old Foster-suicide questions, although I’ve gotten a few emails about it after my post this morning.  But I do agree that the Clintons did everything in their power to make it look suspicious.  The note, the sweep of Foster’s office after his death, the withholding of information from legitimate investigators — all of that raised a lot of people’s antennae, including mine.  But further investigation, conducted meticulously by Starr’s team, proved to most people’s satisfaction — certainly mine — that it was, in fact, a suicide.  I did a long story about it for The Weekly Standard back in October 1997, if anyone is interested.  (I think it’s available only to subscribers on the Standard site, but it might be knocking around somewhere else on the Web.)

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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