The Corner

Re: Your Stimulus Dollars at Work

From Oregon’s capitol city, Salem.  $13.5 million to release druggies back into the community against the voter’s expressed wishes to keep them in prison longer.

Award Description: Oregon voters passed Measure 57, a citizen initiative that increased prison sentences for non-violent property and drug offenders. The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) will use (these funds) to divert some of the offenders convicted of Measure 57 crimes from prison if they complete intensive drug court type programs. These programs will focus on intensive supervision and treatment, and immediate sanctions and rewards. These programs are expected to serve approximately 720 offenders per year for four years.”  ($4687.39 per offender per year! – Your Reader).

No matter what one’s position is on the drug war, it’s hard to see how this spending is consistent with the promise of creating jobs that was made by the administration.

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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