The Corner

Re: Your Surprise

Peter – I was not — and am not — trying to pick a fight. But I would say your impression of the readership is wrong, at least in my experience. I think Corner readers tend to be disproportionately (and then some) pro-Bush when it comes to the war on terror, judges and maybe one or two other areas where Bush’s policies overlap with conservative priorities. But the further Bush deviates from those areas, support for him around here tends to plummet. I would say Corner readers tend to be opposed to Bush (if not necessarily anti-Bush) on affirmative action, compassionate conservatism, immigration(!), spending (including Medicare etc), Title IX (though he’s improving) and much else.

Now this is just my impression. In the new year we’re hoping to have improved reader-polling technology which might clarify some of these issues. But, I would say the most devoted Corner readers are more proud of calling themselves conservatives than they are of calling themselves Republicans. More pro-war on terror than they are pro-Bush. But I could be wrong. Maybe I’m just projecting my own biases on them.

And, of course, there are legions of lurking liberals and lefties who read the Corner to educate themselves or to drive themselves crazy. So I’m not including them.

Regardless, I say readers with strong opinions on this point one way or another should deluge Peter Robinson with feedback!

I’m kidding.

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