The Corner

Reality Reverses Abortion’s Cultural Momentum

As Mark Steyn notes, the MSM may not be covering the horror of the Kermit Gosnell trial, but the combination of the Gosnell trial and Planned Parenthood’s recent inadvertent truth-telling about its willingness to abort a baby born alive represent a one-two punch of reality that every pro-life advocate should remember.

Amidst this month’s arguments that cultural changes are “inevitable” and irresistible, the abortion industry’s constant setbacks — both in public opinion and in legislatures across the country — must frustrate and puzzle the sexual revolutionaries. As the saying goes, reality always gets a vote, and the reality of abortion is unspeakably brutal. The abortion industry thrives only by shielding the public from as much of that brutality as possible. Abortion advocates can scream “Todd Akin” all they want, but Todd Akin never killed a screaming, crying child. Kermit Gosnell did. 

Every now and again even the most dedicated need to be reminded of the stakes of the battle they fight, and Gosnell and Planned Parenthood have helped stoke the motivations of the larger pro-life community. The abortion industry, born in racism and eugenics, thrives through diversion and deception. By contrast, an effective short tactical mission statement for the pro-life community would be simply this: Tell the truth — as often as you can, to as many audiences as you can.

So long as there exists a shred of respect for innocent life in this culture, reality will be the pro-life advocate’s best friend.

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