The Corner

Recommended Reading

Commentary’s November issue (subscribe to NR!) has a symposium on the Bush Doctrine, with thoughtful but widely varying assessments from 36 thinkers, including NR’s first three editors, plus Hanson, Gaffney, Pipes (2x), Harries, Woolsey, et al.

Also, that other, other conservative magazine is catching up to NR and has two cover stories in this month’s issue, from David Keene and Glynn Custred, issuing yet another wakeup call for the president on immigration. Keene warned of a third party candidacy if the GOP establishment doesn’t stop playing footsie on immigration: “Ross Perot turned the White House over to Bill Clinton in 1992 by harping on the growing deficit and the flight of U.S. jobs to the south; Clinton’s wife could benefit from an issue with even wider appeal this time.”

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