The Corner

Regarding the Endless Drama that Is CPAC

Former Florida state Republican chairman Al Cardenas has been buzzed about as possibly the next chairman of the American Conservative Union. Current chairman David Keene is expected to step down at tomorrow’s board meeting. He is also expected to be the next president of the National Rifle Association.

The Cuban-born Cardenas, currently an ACU board member and treasurer, tells NRO in a statement “in the event our chairman David Keene decides to step down due to other responsibilities, I will accept a board member’s nomination for chairman.”

Keene is also chairman of the ACU Foundation, which runs the Conservative Political Action Conference. He is expected to step down from both tomorrow.

Conservatives close to the situation are cautiously optimistic (I wrote about it here last week) that ACU et al. can get beyond current controversies about what the heck the ACU and CPAC stand for, post-Keene.

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