The Corner

The Republican Response

Team Rudy was first out in my inbox:

New York City – The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee released the following statement from Communications Director Katie Levinson:

“As the pundits work to figure out who won the debate tonight, it’s pretty clear Rudy Giuliani was the real winner. It is increasingly apparent Rudy is the one the Democrats are most worried about running against in the general election.

“Senator Biden’s comments were of particular interest. The good Senator is quite correct that there are many differences between Rudy and him. For starters, Rudy rarely reads prepared speeches and when he does he isn’t prone to ripping off the text from others. And, Senator Biden certainly falls in to the bucket of those on the stage tonight who have never had executive experience and have never run anything. Wait, I take that back, Senator Biden has never run anything but his mouth.

“Such a desperate attack from Senator Biden is to be expected considering I – Katie Levinson – have a better chance of becoming President than he does.”

Romney next:

“Tonight’s Democratic presidential candidates debate showcased just how unrealistic Hillary Clinton and her band of Democrats are when it comes to facing down the serious threats the nation faces in the world today.

“The Democrats want to reduce our foreign policy and national security posture to a garden party with just carrots and sticks, choosing empty rhetoric over any semblance of a detailed vision for safety and security. Governor Romney firmly believes that America’s place in the world is defined by its strength and purpose, not just carrots and sticks held by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

“On economic issues, the statements from Hillary Clinton and other Democrats had to make every American taxpayer shudder.

“Senator Clinton applauded a massive tax hike proposal that would crush economic growth in the country while further burdening working families and small businesses, proving once again that her tax and spend policies are out of touch with Americans who want to change the squandering ways of Washington.

-Kevin Madden, Romney for President campaign spokesman

UPDATE: Team Romney adds:

“Senator Clinton’s troubling answer on providing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants was emblematic of someone who is both dismissive of efforts to enforce our nation’s immigration laws and entirely unwilling to offer a straight answer to a very direct question.”

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