The Corner

Your Gubernatorial Taster

You may have heard that Rick Snyder is going to drink Flint water, and only Flint water, for a month.

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder will drink Flint water at home and at work for at least a month to show to residents it is safe with the use of a faucet filter …

(For the full story, go here.)

This reminds me a little of Jane Byrne, the Chicago mayor who in 1981 moved into Cabrini-Green. (The place in question was a deadly housing project.) Of course, Jane had a small army of protectors.

Perhaps we can say that Snyder is like some official taster. Or that he’s saying, “Come on in, the water’s fine.”

Anyway, this is a price, and an example, of leadership. And it’s good for Flint to be known for something other than Michael Moore — even if it’s bad water.

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