The Corner

The Right & Polls

I think what we’re seeing today is a classic case of how polling numbers can drive public opinion (and reaction — millions in donations nationwide for Brown in the past ten days and a feeling that “he can win,” based almost exclusively on polling). Usually, polling to drive the public benefits the Left.

It also shows that Tip O’Neill’s adage, “All politics is local,” is no longer true. Statewide elections are not about potholes and snow removal, or even neighborhood schools and infrastructure. National leaders (including POTUS) campaign in person for candidates, money pours in from around the country, not just around the state or region, and most importantly, the issues discussed are national, if not international, in nature.

More than a referendum on Obama or even health-care reform (both of which are partly true), this is a rejection of excesses, misreading the 2008 election “mandate.” He ran on “Change We Can Believe In,” and has delivered “Revolution You Must Pay For.” Americans love the concept of change more than its execution. They reject extremes, excesses, or really anything political that pushes them outside of the two 40-yard lines, their self-appointed comfort zone.

Ironically, Coakley did something in this race that Ted Kennedy never did — she took the seat for granted. He could have, yet really did not. Campaigns matter.

 — Kellyanne Conway, is president and CEO of the polling company(tm), inc./WomanTrend.

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