The Corner

Right, Right Until The End

From “The Week,” Oct. 14, 1988, issue of NRODT (which I guess wouldn’t really be properly dubbed NRODT, since, well, there was no NRO–Al Gore must have been slow getting the Internet out to everyone): “It’s sometimes overlooked, but Ronald Reagan is still President, and still very much on the job. Without getting much publicity, he has taken some interesting steps lately. Among other things, he has: ordered a study of ways to reduce taxes on families; ordered the Departments of Education and Health & Human Services to see that federally funded sex-education materials for teenagers encourage abstinence; ordered Justice to draft an Executive Order banning the sale of pornography on federal lands and in federal store; and moved to stop experimentation on unborn and newborn children. He is also seeking to allow public-housing residents to buy and manage the units they live in. All of which suggests that Mr. Reagan, contrary to a widespread impression, hasn’t quite lost interest in his office, or in the conservative vision, or in making the New York Times apoplectic.”

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