The Corner

Right In The Rockies

Okay, I have an idea for our big fund raiser-comedy extravaganza during the Democratic Convention. I think I will bring a camera and ask the audience to stand as one and offer the Obama salute so I can take a picture. At minimum, this will offer some exculpatory evidence that we were loyal to The One during the Democratic Convention should things take an ugly turn after the election. If the picture comes out well, we can make it available to everyone attending. Oh, and if you don’t want your face to show, you can wear your dinner napkin like a handkerchief-mask in the Westerns.

Meanwhile, if any of you folks in the area ever thought of coming to an NR fundraiser, it seems to me this is the one to go to.  By the time of the Democratic Convention, there will be so much to laugh at but so few people to laugh with, you’ll be craving for a drink and some like-minded souls to talk to and with whom you’ll be able to share survivalist strategies. You’ll be helping  the cause, helping yourselves and having a grand time in the process. And for those of you who think you can’t afford it, just think of it  this way: Nancy Pelosi and/or Obama are going to take that money from you regardless come the new year. At least this way you get the write-off and a good memory. 

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