The Corner

The Ring

Before she left, the missus and I watched

“The Ring” on pay-per-view. Now I have a confession to make. I get scared by scary movies. Of all my friends, I think I’m the only one to have been rattled by “The Blair Witch Project.” I don’t hide under my blanket or put my hands over my eyes or suffer from bladder control problems or anything like that. But they do get to me. Anyway, I’ve got to say that “The Ring” was one of the scariest movies I’ve seen in a while. I’m reluctant to make statements like this because whenever I do I get inundated with email from people saying “you’re a big wuss” or “that movie was so stupid!” etc. So let me concede that I’m a big wuss and yes parts of the movie were stupid. But, if you’re looking for a scary movie this one gets my recommendation.

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