The Corner

Ringmasters Knocking The Circus

From Today this morning:

TIM RUSSERT: “I was surprised, Matt, that he [Ah-nold] took the debate from Arianna Huffington and got down in the mud there a little bit. The L.A. Times this morning described this as a combination between WWF and a pie-fight. And if that’s the perception of the voters across California that doesn’t help any of these candidates.”

MATT LAUER: “Well, well that, that’s interesting, I mean does it hurt their credibility when you get into that whole discussion over this is how you treat women, Arnold, and he does the Terminator line? Does that hurt their credibility?”

RUSSERT: “Yes, and those are the soundbites that we’re hearing today…”

I hope I’m not the only one that wants to throw the remote every time this happens. Tim could have said: “Gee, Matt, it’s a shame these candidates threw out nasty and stupid lines. Don’t they know we’re addicted to these soundbites and can’t help but run them? We presume voters are idiots and only can handle seven seconds of quips.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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