The Corner

Risky Business

Abdul Haq is a member of al-Qaeda’s elite Shura Council. He has plotted terrorist attacks. We know this because just last month the Treasury Department designated Abdul Haq a terrorist affiliated with al-Qaeda (and with the Taliban as well).

Abdul Haq also was the leader and trainer of the Uighurs detained at Gitmo. We know this because many of the Uighur detainees have acknowledged it.

So, on this basis, can we conclude that it would be neither safe nor sensible to say that Uighurs trained and led by al-Qaeda leader/trainer Abdul Haq pose no danger and should be released?

Yes, we can — but we’d be in sharp disagreement with Judge Richard M. Urbina and, based on his October 17, 2008 opinion in the D.C. District Court, with President Obama who says “there is no legitimate reason to hold” the al-Qaeda-trained Uighurs.

Tom Joscelyn over at TWS blog has more here.

Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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