The Corner


‘Roe, Roe, Roe Your Vote’ and Football

Pro-choice activists assemble in downtown Memphis, Tenn., May 21, 2019. (Karen Pulfer Focht/Reuters)

Democrats have a habit of making the ghoulish and despicable appear unremarkable and even fashionable. Indeed, such was the case during the countdown for a fundraising video call hosted by sports radio personality Mike Wickett that saw former Packers head coach Mike Holmgren chat with Wisconsin’s slate of Democratic candidates, including Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes. 

Joining 15 minutes before the scheduled start, I participated in the Packer trivia questions offered to similarly early viewers. However, interspersed between questions about Curly Lambeau and Tony Canadeo were merchandise ads such as the one below, hawking stickers and shirts with “Roe, Roe, Roe Your Vote” depicted in myriad ways — Packers football with a sprinkling of the perversion of a child’s nursery rhyme employed to overturn protections for the unborn in the span of ten seconds. Unconscionable. The only small mercy was that the shirts with that obscene ditty don’t come in child or infant sizes. 

With such fundraising events, one expects an hour and 15 minutes of charmless personalities droning at one another — and so, there were. I intended to judge the seeming incompatibility of leftism and football’s innate conservatism and maybe write a short piece about that. Instead, there was lobbying for infanticide commercially available before the event’s genesis that necessarily distracted from the mundane. 

And really, there’s little else to report. Barnes’s visit was brief, and he spent most of the time complaining that he never was able to bring his bike to a Packers practice. Then Evers overstayed by however long he was on the screen — an October-caught coho salmon from the Sheboygan River thawed for a July fish fry has more personality. But each man, from Holmgren to Wickett to the politicians, went out of his way to pay lip service to “the right to choose” in that obsequious way that left-wing men do — self-satisfied curs all.

The event was yet another reminder of the Left’s pagan fixation on abortion, even when discussing matters most distant from children. And to the pro-choice folks who are thinking, “Well, this is important to us, to protect women’s right to choose.” Fine. But kindly avoid channeling Lamia while doing so.

Luther Ray Abel is the Nights & Weekends Editor for National Review. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, Luther is a proud native of Sheboygan, Wis.
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