The Corner

Rogers: ‘You Can’t Base Your Policy on What’s Trending on Twitter’

​The administration is right to address the kidnapping of hundreds of young girls in Nigeria, but its decision to not designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group years ago displays a failure to take these foreign-policy issues seriously, says Representative Mike Rogers (R., Mich.).

“You can’t base your policy on what’s trending on Twitter,” said Rogers, who serves as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, on Face the Nation. “It has to be more than hashtags and selfies.”

Rogers outlined other examples of threats and dangerous situations abroad that are largely going unaddressed under this administration, particularly those affecting and harming women, such as those in Chad, Afghanistan, Syria, and elsewhere.

“This is going to continue to happen unless we have a robust, holistic approach to what is radicalism and extremism popping up around the world,” he said.

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