The Corner

Romney on Huckabee and Faith

Appearing on Fox News this morning, Mitt Romney said he accepted Mike Huckabee’s apology for the “Jesus and the devil” remark.  Later, Romney was asked whether Huckabee should have to answer questions about his own faith.  Romney’s answer: no, and yes.

I don’t think he should have to talk about his life as a preacher, and his comments he made before he was in public office.  Just like me, he’ll be asked about questions he made once he’s in public office, and likewise he opened the door in some respects by running ads in the two heavily evangelical concentrated states [Iowa and South Carolina] that describe him as a Christian leader.  In New Hampshire, he doesn’t mention that.  It just says a proven leader. He’s obviously appealing to people of his faith, and that’s something that clearly opens the door to that inquiry.

By the way, Romney made the stunning disclosure that he liked NR’s decision to endorse him.  “You know, they wrote a pretty good article, I must admit,” he said.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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