The Corner

Romney: ‘I Know the Term “Establishment” Frightens People’

Mitt Romney pointed to his endorsements from top conservative leaders today when making the case for his candidacy in a tele-town hall with Illinois voters this afternoon.

He urged participants to study who was endorsing which candidate.

“I know that it’s popular today to say ‘oh, we don’t someone who looks like he’s establishment,’” Romney said on the call. “And I know the term ‘establishment’ frightens people.”

“But at the same time,” he continued, “there are some great conservative leaders – Tom Coburn, senator from Oklahoma, former secretary [John] Ashcroft (a great conservative leader), Eric Cantor who’s majority leader in the Republican Congress — these three leaders, among many others, have endorsed my campaign.”

“These associations, by people who’ve actually worked with you or spent time with you and know you, give a pretty good indication that perhaps ‘the guy’s okay,’” Romney chuckled. “I hope that people take a look at those endorsements of key individuals they respect.” 

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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