The Corner

Ron Johnson to Sue Over Federal Health-Insurance Compensation for Lawmakers and Aides

Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) has decided to sue the Obama administration, claiming that members of Congress and their staff are granted special treatment under Obamacare because of the federal support they receive to buy health insurance, the Hill reports. Johnson had previously taken steps to sue the Obama administration over this matter, having filed a formal complaint to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in September.

However, the OPM said that the federal government would continue to provide subsidies to lawmakers and their aides, as similar help is provided to other federal employees, who purchase health plans offered by the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan. Johnson thinks this extension of insurance subsidies to lawmakers and their aides breaks the law.

“The American people have an expectation – Wisconsinites have an expectation — that members of Congress should be subjected to the letter of the law just like they’re held to the letter of the law,” Johnson told the Oshkosh Northwestern. “In this case, members of Congress now are not being held to the letter of the law, and that creates an alienation; it creates a wedge between a member of Congress and their constituents.”

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