The Corner

Ronald Reagan vs. North Korea

Well, if theaters won’t show The Interview or Air America, we still might be able to catch an anti–North Korea movie on cable TV. In Prisoner of War (1954), a U.S. Army intelligence officer goes undercover to investigate the treatment of American prisoners of war in North Korea. He discovers atrocities.

The star was none other than Ronald Reagan. Here is what he said in a trailer for the movie: 

Many who read the script said, you don’t dare do it.  It’s too tough, too hard. We were advised to soften it, fake it up a little.  But we felt, no, this had to be told with all its shocking, cruel, unpleasant detail. I can’t use any of the words normally used in selling a motion picture when I talk about this one.  You will see scenes never before shown in a motion picture because no one would have dared do it. We did. We did, because these things did happen. It’s probably the toughest picture you will ever see on this theater screen. But MGM is proud to have made it. I’m proud to have had a part in it.

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