The Corner

Rubio Campaign Unveils First Early-State Ad, ‘Bartender’

After unveiling their first national ad, Marco Rubio’s campaign unveiled their first early state ad, one that focuses on Rubio’s immigrant father and the candidate’s familiar line that his father worked in the back of the room so that someday his son could speak from the front of the room. The ad will begin airing in Iowa starting Thursday and in New Hampshire next week.

MARCO RUBIO: I remember the sounds of his keys jingling at the front door of our home, well past midnight as he returned from another long day at work. When I was younger, I didn’t fully appreciate all he did for us. But now, I more fully understand. You see, my father was grateful for the work he had, but that was not the life he wanted for his children. He wanted all the dreams he once had for himself to come true for us. He wanted all the doors that closed for him to open for me. So my father stood behind a small portable bar in the back of a room for all those years, so that I could stand behind this podium in front of this room and this nation. That journey from behind that bar to behind this podium, that’s the essence of the American Dream.

I’m Marco Rubio and I approve of this message.

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