The Corner

Rubio Emphasizes Border Security in Immigration Reform

Senator Marco Rubio continued to pitch immigration reform to conservatives on Fox News last night by highlighting the bill’s efforts on border security, which Democrats have been hesitant to do. “What I have found over the last few days is one of the biggest obstacles we face here is a lack of trust in the administration’s willingness to enforce the law,” Rubio told Sean Hannity. “My point is, if we don’t do anything, that’s exactly what you’re leaving in place.” 

“The only way that I know to make the administration — this administration or a future administration — secure the border is to pass a law that forces them to secure the border, and that’s what I’m working on,” Rubio added. He said the immigration-reform bill would designate $5.5 billion for a border-security plan as well as the full implementation of E-Verify and an entry-exit tracking system.

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