The Corner

Politics & Policy

Gang of Eight? What Gang of Eight?

Marco Rubio’s excuse du jour for his central role in passing the monstrous Gang of Eight amnesty/immigration-surge bill is the most shameless yet: “Rubio: Gang of 8 Bill Never Intended to Become Law“. Coulda fooled me!

The Hill wryly noted “This represents a sharp departure for Rubio.”

I’ll say. In his final speech on the Senate floor before voting on S.744, Rubio concluded, “Here in America, generations of unfulfilled dreams will finally come to pass. And that’s why I support this reform.” Not sure how much clearer you can get.

Rubio’s latest excuse would have fooled Harry Reid too; he dedicated the bill to Ted Kennedy and said, when it passed, “And while I am sad that Senator Kennedy isn’t here to see history made, I know he is looking at us proudly and loudly.” Whatever that means, it sure doesn’t sound like he didn’t intend the Gang of Eight bill to become law.

Or Lindsey Graham, after the bill got 68 votes: “This is overwhelming support for the bill … This is incredibly pleasing.”

Pat Leahy didn’t seem to think the bill was just for show either: “Today is another historic day in the Senate. This legislation will reunite families. It will bring millions of people out of the shadows and into our legal system. It will spur job growth and reduce our deficit. And it will make us safer.”

Or Chuck Schumer: “The bill has generated a level of support that we believe will be impossible for the House to ignore.”

If I may steal a line from one of my Twitter followers, next thing you know Rubio will tell us it was really just the Gang of Seven all along.

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