The Corner

Ryan to Rubio: ‘Read the Bill and Get Back to Me’

Paul Ryan urged critics of the recent budget deal to find out what’s in his budget deal before criticizing it, and singled out one of his more prominent detractors.

“Read the bill and get back to me,” the Wisconsin representative said in response to Marco Rubio’s opposition to the bill. Rubio was among the first Republicans to come out against the deal.

“The press releases came flying out against the agreement before Patty and I actually even reached an agreement,” Ryan said on Morning Joe on Thursday. “I would prefer that people would actually read what we’re doing and see the details before forming conclusions. But I’m a big boy, I’ve been around a while, so it doesn’t really surprise me.”

On a separate CNBC interview this morning, Ryan said the deal was probably the best conservatives could come up with after he concluded that a grander, more significant bargain wasn’t likely under this president and a Democratic Senate. “I hate to say it, but I just don’t see that — we’re going to have to win some elections to do that,” he said.

Via Aaron Blake.

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