The Corner

Ryan’s Schedule

As the veep buzz builds, every reporter in town is keeping an eye on the movements of the leading contenders.

Representative Paul Ryan, for his part, is in Wisconsin today. Right now, he’s in Eau Claire, stumping for state representative Warren Petryk at the local Holiday Inn.

Later today, he’ll campaign with Representative Sean Duffy, a freshman Republican, in Rice Lake at a country club.

On Thursday morning, Ryan will chat with Bill Bennett on Bennett’s radio show, then appear in Turtle Lake at an event for state representative Roger Rivard at a nearby convention center.

Later Thursday morning, Ryan will travel to Wisconsin Rapids, where he’ll stop by the Lake Aire Supper Club to support state representative Scott Krug.

On Friday, Ryan will be at home in Janesville with his family, preparing for their vacation to Colorado. Per sources, Ryan plans to return to Janesville next week.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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