The Corner

That Said

If there is a vote and all Dems who vote vote no (or the vast majority), then they are on record saying they are NOT for immediate withdrawal. A straight-playing wire headline would be something like “Congress votes down immediate withdrawal resolution.” And that would go round the world. With Congressman Murtha being the going-into-recess news story, it’s a strategy. It gives them something concrete on the Dems in the form of a roll call.

One thing is sure–this is one ugly scene. The hissing and yelling on the House floor is beginning to resemble the British House of Commons when Tony Blair stops by for question time. I’m fully expecting a fist fight to break out before the night is through.

I can’t imagine, meanwhile, how mad I would be if I were watching this from Iraq right now. Congress isn’t the biggest morale booster, that’s for sure.

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