The Corner

Sam Dash Off The Deep End

It’s one thing for your run-of-the-mill Democratic activists to appear off their

rockers when talking about the Bush administration. You sort of expect it. But

when a Democratic party greybeard, like former Watergate prosecutor Samuel Dash,

pens an op-ed like this one ,

you really start to see how deep the paranoia and hatred go.

Money quote:

“The government overreaches when it employs its war against terror to attack the

liberties of American citizens. We now face sweeping federal wiretapping, secret

searches and seizures, arrest and detention without trial or right to counsel,

infiltration by FBI agents in our places of worship and in our social and

political clubs and associations. Not even what we read, either from libraries

or bookstores, is respected.

It is the time of the anonymous informer and the chilling threat, reminiscent of

Watergate, that dissent is unpatriotic and giving aid to the enemy.”

(Sorry this is from over a week ago; I was away and am just catching up on my

reading now.)

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