The Corner

Santorum the Culture Warrior

Urbandale, Iowa — Speaking to dozens of supporters today in his campaign’s Iowa headquarters, Rick Santorum outlined a series of measures he would take as president to help promote a family-oriented and moral culture in the United States.

“I felt like, as I traveled around and talked to folks around Iowa, there was a common theme that came through from the meetings I had that was candidly a little diferent than what you’re hearing out there on the national stage,” he remarked, noting that he had now visited all 99 Iowa counties.

Speaking about the primary debates and the political commentary, Santorum observed that much of it was focused on tax and spending plans.

“But the people of Iowa, at least the folks that I’ve been talking to, they understand there is more to America than taxes and spending, there’s more to America than just the size and scale of government,” Santorum said. “That there are things that are the foundation of our country.  And of course, the foundation of that country is the fact that America is a moral enterprise, that America is built upon faith and family. Those are the pillars of our society.”

As president, Santorum pledged to reinstate the Mexico City policy, block any federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, veto any bill that included funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood, and defend in the courts the Defense of Marriage Act. He also laid out what he would call on Congress to do, including abolishing the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, put the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy back in place, and work to pass a Federal Marriage Amendment and a Personhood Amendment to the Constitution. His full plan can be read here.

“I hope that what I’ve talked about here resonates with not just the people of Iowa, but the people all over America,” he said.

Santorum appealed to voters consider him “if they want someone who, yes is concerned about national security, and has as much experience as anybody in that area … someone who has strong plans for growing this economy and for limiting government and repealing Obamacare and like, but [also] someone who understands that all of this intertwines into who we are as a people and culture.”

“We have to have strong familes and a strong culture to be able to support a strong and prosperous and free America,” he concluded.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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