The Corner

Santorum: Obama Wants a ‘Godless’ Society

President Obama wants to “close the deal” on transforming the United States into a “Godless” society, former senator and possible 2016 contender Rick Santorum (R., Pa.) said Friday.

Conservatives must resist these efforts to replace God and religion with a European-style welfare state, Santorum told the audience gathered at CPAC. “President Obama says he wants to transform America,” he said. “Leave it to President Obama to see himself in such a grandiose role in the world. But let’s be honest. America has been in the process of transforming for 100 years. He just wants to close the deal.”

“The Left in America and around the world” has already accepted this “Faustian bargain,” he said. “This is President Obama’s New Deal: Give them more power, give them more authority, and they will take care of you.”

“What we see in modern-day Europe, is simply a descendent of that bargain: A Godless — a society that is Godless, without faith — specifically anti-clerical, anti-God — where their government is the center.”

Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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