The Corner

Politics & Policy

Santorum on Trump: ‘Enough Is Enough’

Atlanta — Rick Santorum called for an end to personal attacks in response to Trump’s Megyn Kelly comment, saying, “All it does is write ads for Hillary Clinton.”

In a statement e-mailed to NR, Santorum said:

Enough is enough. We should and must address serious issues facing our nation, but name-calling and crass personal attacks is beneath the office we are running for.  It serves no positive purpose and all it does is write ads for Hillary Clinton. This needs to stop.

Four years ago, I witnessed this and it did not result in a successful general election for our Party. We need to win this election and personal attacks against each other and other public figures are not the way to do it. I am urging my fellow Republican presidential candidates to join me in ending the personal attacks and instead focus on the contrast of accomplishment, experience, and vision to lead our country.

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