The Corner

The Sarah Connor Chronicles

A Terminator TV spinoff (minus Arnold of course). Two thoughts: First, it looks like Summer Glau — “River” from Serenity–  might be a friendly robot from the future, though it’s not clear. Not sure what to make of that. Second, I fear the producers don’t fully appreciate that Sarah Connor and her skate punk kid were never very appealing characters in the movies. The kid didn’t really even exist in the first one, and Sarah Conner was harmless. But in T2 Sarah Connor (played by Linda Hamilton) was just plain annoying and the kid was the sort of character you hoped would be badly wounded while trying to rip-off a 7-11. I’m sure they’ve tried to fix this problem, but it still feels a bit like making a spinoff of Die Hard with the black cop and the ex-wife as the stars. 

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