The Corner

National Review

Saying Goodbye to National Review, and Friends

Some NR friends after finishing a race together. From left: Judson Berger, Isaac Schorr, Jack Butler, Nick Tomaino, and Madeleine Kearns.

There’s no sugarcoating it: This part is excruciating.

Today is my last day at National Review. On Monday, I start at Mediaite as a staff writer, where I’ll be doing daily commentary work as well as feature reporting. It’s exciting, and I’m excited — but saying goodbye to friends is excruciating, and you all, as well as my colleagues, are my friends.

National Review is the only place I applied to before graduating from college, and after it politely said, “No, thank you,” I replied, “Yes, thank you.” Here we are, two and a half years later, and my belief in our mission statement has only grown since then.

And now I have an appreciation for the efforts this incarnation of the masthead takes to embody that mission. I can’t imagine a group of people more dedicated to excellence. Every day, they’ve produced in me some combination of feelings that includes pride, inadequacy, and joy. I’ve tried to do my part by telling you the truth as I see it, and, in my reporting capacity, by being as accurate as I possibly can. I sincerely hope I’ve succeeded in those aims, as well as in entertaining you.

It wouldn’t be difficult for me to ramble on, but you all have no doubt had enough of that. Instead, some gratitude:

Thank you, Charlie, for bringing me on board, and for your always-sage advice.

Thank you, Jack Crowe, for being a supportive and skilled boss.

Thank you, Rich, for your example and leadership.

Thank you, Ramesh, for your brief, kind, and witty emails.

Thank you, Judson and Jim, for entrusting me with your respective Jolts.

Thank you, Ryan, for showing me the reporting ropes.

Thank you, Andy, for the legal tutoring and encouragement.

Thank you to all of the editors for your top-notch work behind the scenes.

Thank you, Jack Butler, for being a peerless mentor and friend.

And thank you to you all for reading and engaging with me.

It’s been an honor.

Isaac Schorr is a staff writer at Mediaite and a 2023–2024 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow at the Fund for American Studies.
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