The Corner

Politics & Policy

Scenes from Ottawa’s Trucker Protest

Protesters gather on Parliament Hill as truckers and supporters continue to protest Covid vaccine mandates in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 5, 2022. (Lars Hagberg/Reuters)

I’m in Ottawa this morning, covering the ongoing trucker convoy protesting the Canadian pandemic restrictions. I’ll be chatting to a lot more folks who are involved in the movement today, but I had the chance to walk around and get the lay of the land last night.

One thing that struck me was how overwhelmingly positive the general mood was. There was music everywhere, and people had set up stands serving free food and drinks, which they told me were funded by the donations that were rolling in from across the world. I was offered free soup, protein bars, coffee — even a plastic cup of (very bad) wine. The signs that were plastered all around Parliament Hill were also mostly positive; if I had to estimate, I would say only 20 to 30 percent of the signs I saw contained negative messages. I’ll share a few pics below.

(Nate Hochman)
(Nate Hochman)
(Nate Hochman)
(Nate Hochman)
(Nate Hochman)
(Nate Hochman)

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