The Corner

Schiavo in The Florida Statehouse

As Congress tries their options,:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) – Florida lawmakers are racing to block the removal of severely brain-damaged woman’s feeding tube, which has been keeping her alive but is due to be taken out on Friday after years of legal wrangling.

A state circuit judge has ruled that Terri Schiavo’s husband can remove the tube at any time after 1 p.m. EST on Friday.

Lawmakers hope to enact a new law before then that would prevent the husband, Michael Schiavo, and other guardians from withholding food and water from severely brain-damaged patients unless they left written directives or made verbal affirmations, acceptable to a court, that that they wanted to die.

A pair of similar measures were approved by committees in Florida’s House of Representatives and Senate on Tuesday, making them available for final consideration later this week.

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