The Corner

Schieffer to WH Chief of Staff: ‘There’s a Perception Out There That We Don’t Care’

On CBS’s Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer questioned White House chief of staff Denis McDonough about the perception that President Obama doesn’t care about the threat posed by the Islamic State. 

“ISIS is committing and continuing to commit these heinous crimes—four Americans have been killed—Washington responds by saying we need to have a debate,” Schieffer said. “There’s a perception out there that we don’t care, that we’re taking these things in stride.”

“I work very closely with the president of the United States and he takes this very, very seriously,” McDonough responded. “We’ve seen ISIS’s progress blunted in Iraq, we’re making good progress in Syria, but I don’t want to overstate it because this is going to be something that will take some time.”

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