The Corner

Woke Culture

Schools Are Done Hiding Radical Agendas

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Oral arguments against Montgomery County Public Schools (a district that went viral when an interfaith parent coalition protested the school board’s gender and sexuality curriculum) began today. Parents vehemently oppose the district’s English Language Arts curriculum that instructs teachers to read aloud and discuss LGBTQ books in class. Families request only that the district reinstate an opt-out policy for these lessons; they aren’t asking MCPS to remove books from classrooms or dismantle the curriculum.

Parents can already opt their children out of similar sexual themes being taught in MCPS health lessons. A resolution seems simple — give parents the right to opt their child out of all sensitive lessons, and leave the rest as is.

But the district doubled down on its policy today, and outlined its goal: that every child be initiated into a cult of radical gender ideology and sexual “inclusivity”:

Opt-out policies that allow parents to exempt their kids from gender and sexuality lessons undermine “specific goals the district is trying to advance,” lawyers representing Maryland’s largest school district argued in court on Wednesday . . . A student’s right to reject instruction in sexuality is “precisely what this [gender and sexuality] curriculum is trying to prevent,” MCPS lawyers said in court. Mandatory gender and sexuality instruction is “critical for educating children in a diverse society,” the lawyers argued, adding that the curriculum “doesn’t work” if only some children participate.

Officials are done hiding efforts to brainwash children. School districts do not own your children, no matter what Joe Biden or American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten say, nor can they force kids to believe that men can be women and women can be men. Teachers shouldn’t explain to vulnerable students what “intersex” couples are, or how split pronouns work, or why a woman is sprouting a beard. Children will be exposed to these topics eventually, at which point, parents have the right to invoke whichever religious beliefs they choose.

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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