The Corner

Scofflaw University

From a friend at Washington State University:

Our student newspaper, the Daily Evergreen, has run a series this week on illegal immigrants who attend WSU and what the University does to to help them.

They are admitted under a program called 1079. The University helps them find money for college, and on their transcripts describes them as “citizens” but lists no Social Security number.

The Evergreen’s coverage is best described as “fawning,” and they are running the stories to support the DREAM Act which is before Congress. I guess the University thinks that since this is all going to be legal soon anyway there is no harm in talking about it.

I am surprised that WSU has the legal authority to misrepresent the immigration status of students on official documents, and if I weren’t two months from finishing my Ph.D. I would like to ask our president a) what legal authority the University has for putting false information on official documents, and b) in what other circumstances can the University lie on its documents, and c) where does a state institution get the authority to disregard Federal laws?

I would dearly love for a journalist with some national stature to ask the University these questions. Perhaps this is going on at state universities all over the country.

Here, here, and here are the links to the Evergreen articles.

[Me]  It’s not exactly surprising that open borders, the principal project of the current Left, should find a comfortable home in academia, the principal stronghold of the current Left. Still, if there’s illegality here, someone should be prosecuted.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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